About Us
Promoting fullness of life and reducing loneliness and isolation through friendship and companionship in Scotland.
The No. 1 Befriending Agency was formed in September 2016 by a group of professionals who, while working as carers for older adults, frequently found that the people they cared for longed for meaningful interaction, in addition to the simple, mechanical acts of care they received.
Older people are sadly especially vulnerable to feeling lonely, as they often have a very limited number of social interactions each week, mostly due to mobility issues. In order to tackle this loneliness and isolation, we created a befriending service where trained volunteers visit isolated older people and spend time with them, having a friendly chat over a cup of tea.
We offer befriending free of charge, thanks to our exceptional care service, which is increasingly popular among older adults who wish to receive person-centred care that takes their wellbeing seriously.
We operate both our befriending and care services based on the same values. We regularly seek feedback from the people we support and those close to them. We believe in fostering an environment of continuous improvement, where support is closely monitored to ensure service users are satisfied with the services they receive.
Our Values
Compassion: We provide an ‘I see your value’ type of support service.
Courage: We recognise and appreciate the courage it takes to live.
Independence: We promote the freedom to live a full life with autonomy.
Happiness: We promote well-being and a sense of deep satisfaction.
Respect: We power and appreciate those we support.
“From the minute my befriender stepped through the door I felt comfortable.”
— Service User
Our Funders
The No.1 Befriending Agency’s work is made possible by funding from the Glasgow Communities Fund, the National Lottery: Improving Lives, the Hugh Fraser Foundation, and the People’s Postcode Lottery Trust.