Befriending Plus

We are extremely excited to be able to offer Befriending Plus to vulnerable adults (18+)!

Befriending Plus is a unique service because it provides opportunity for vulnerable people to be supported even if, for whatever reason, they “fall through the sieve” of the care system. Currently it is available for people who can afford to pay for this service; however, we are already looking at how to extend this to people that are unable to cover the cost of this service themselves.

For £19/hr, you choose when and for how long you would like this service (with a minimum of 3 hours a week) - and we are offering a 10% discount to older people (60+) who sign up before Christmas.

We focus on creating meaningful relationships and can help with housework, shopping, or going for a walk.

If you are interested, access our self-referral information. If you can identify someone else who could benefit from our support, see our practitioner information.

Our telephone and virtual befriending services for older people (60+) remain completely free.


A Busy Last Day of the Year…


The Holly Hendrie Hot Seat