Our recent trip to Govan!

When I arrived at the venue in Govan, after taking a few wrong turns, I was introduced to the other volunteer and the managing team. It was my first-time volunteering at one of these events. However, once all the clients had made it to the building, I was acquainted with each of them, then I got to work making the teas and coffees.

Conversation flowed as members caught up with one another; discussing changes in the neighbourhood and past No. 1 befriending agency events.

During this time, online communication was developed as a client was set up with their own device which would allow them to take part in online events and other online activities provided by the No. 1.

 It was a unique and inspiring experience listening to the positive effects this organisation has provided members with as many commented on how their life and confidence has improved since joining. During a mini-interview one client expressed how her confidence has been boosted and this boost prompted her to join other groups and make new connections.

 After an enjoyable two hours it was time for everyone to head home. Everybody had a fantastic time and loved their afternoon together with coffee, cake and friends- including me!

This Blog post was written by one of our very own volunteers at The No.1 Befriending Agency. If you would like to write a Blog post for us please contact us at info@befriend.org.uk or please speak to a volunteer coordinator.


Two events and two new staff: A Monday like no other!


Sketchbook Workshop – A First From Us