The Funding Keeping Us Going

On 18th March, we were delighted to receive 29 Mifis, thanks to funding from Connecting Scotland. This is in addition to the 10 Ipads and 10 MiPads we received in January, ensuring we can keep linking together as many befriendees as possible during Covid and beyond! 

Additional funding from the Befriending Network in early 2021 shows just how instrumental the different facets of our befriending agency are in both bringing older people together online and forging intergenerational relationships, which foster learning and growth on all sides.   

We look forward to receiving 7 chrome books and 8 more Ipads in the coming months, keeping older people connected across the Greater Glasgow Area. With support like this, we will make sure the feel-good stories from our virtual events keep getting better and better. 

If you would like to help us further, click on the top/right ‘Donate’ button now.


Care Worker Recruitment Day: 27th April


Our Befriendees’ Desert Island Discs!