Celebrating Skilled Volunteers

The 3rd July 2021 is specially dedicated to celebrating skilled volunteers around Scotland, and we are lucky to have two new volunteers joining us in June who have the knowledge and experience to make a difference.

Firstly, Pam is kindly volunteering with us to advise on areas of learning and development throughout the organisation. She says,

‘I am excited to begin working with the dedicated team of the No.1 Befriending Agency as their volunteer Learning Development Advisor. My career has involved helping people, of all ages and from diverse and difficult backgrounds, to develop themselves through learning and training. I am proud to offer my skills and experience to this worthwhile organisation, their staff and service users. As a carer myself, I know the positive impact that support and befriending have for those isolated and dependent on others.’

Maree is also on board to help suggest how best to use our Salesforce database. About her time with us so far, she says,

‘Volunteering with The No.1 Befriending Agency has been a fantastic experience. Meeting with Joanna and Lea has given me a real sense of accomplishment, knowing I am supporting their important work and adding value to their daily operations. It’s been incredibly flexible and I hope many more people will benefit from the Befriending scheme as a result. I feel privileged to give back and help.’

Thank you both. We are excited to have you with us to help extend the reach that our volunteers can have in the community.


Hanging Out at the Volunteer Social


Volunteers’ Week 2021 - Meet Some Volunteers!