Volunteers’ Week 2021 - Meet Some Volunteers!

In celebration of Volunteers’ Week 2021, we kick off by highlighting some of the outstanding contributions being made at the No.1 Befriending Agency.

Scott is an all-round good egg, regularly leading armchair exercises at our online events as well as undertaking individual, 1-2-1 telephone befriending. He says, ‘I have found my time befriending a very fulfilling and thoroughly worthwhile experience. The agency staff have been there every step of the way and help in any way they can. They are professional, yet personable. I feel comfortable chatting to Annabelle and the fact that she seems comfortable sharing some of her life with me, means a lot. This is one of the most heart warming aspects of volunteering and I hope what we do provides some comfort when required.’ (Scott - volunteer)

Annabel is an energetic person who tackles things head on in her determination to make a difference; not that she has always found this easy. She says, ‘I have found volunteering with the 'No.1 Befriending Agency' as a telephone befriender to be such an enjoyable and rewarding experience. I first decided that I wanted to volunteer in the summer of last year when it became clear just how difficult and isolating the pandemic had been for many people, and so I was keen to see if there was something I could do to help. The 'No.1 Befriending Agency' offered me training and support before matching me with someone who they felt would be appropriate. Before my first call, I was a little anxious about how it would go; however, we hit it off immediately and we soon came to really enjoy and look forward to our weekly chats. It has been great to really get to know her better and provide support during these difficult times, whilst also having the opportunity to grow in confidence and to develop my communication and listening skills. (Annabel - volunteer)

The increase of loneliness in her community led Amy to take stock and develop an understanding of what is truly important. 'Volunteering with No1 has been such a positive experience for me and I have always felt well supported. I have been given the opportunity to make a connection with someone who has a wealth of interesting tales, chat, and knowledge. With loneliness being such a huge issue especially in the last year, I feel privileged to be part of this organisation and to spend time chatting with my befriendee hearing stories I would otherwise not have heard. I look forward to the calls and to the many more stories still to be shared!' (Amy - volunteer)

Tandy is a volunteer who continually brings an appreciation of culture and diversity to our online events! After Marketa, Shonagh and she found each other at a Volunteer Information Session at the Refugee Council, she has joined us to lead many activities - including a Stirling/Cape Town comparison which sparked an hours’ meaningful discussion.

At the end of June, we will hear from Zoi about the multicultural befriending relationship she started during lockdown from her home in Hungary and we also heard from Zahrah about her intergenerational match at the start of March. Both pairings are continuing to go from strength to strength. These are all just some examples of the wonderful support that our volunteers are giving older befriendees, and vulnerable people more generally, across the Greater Glasgow area.


Celebrating Skilled Volunteers


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